Research skills

Counselling is a growing science and research provides the profession with much needed information and statistics which will further inform the practice. Are you interested in moving into the area of research, either by conducting your own research project or undertaking a research-based qualification such as a master’s degree? This course will provide you with insights into what is needed to carry out research by exploring the various methods available and the ethical considerations needed. It will demonstrate how important research is for therapeutic practice by utilising existing articles and journals.

The sessions are conducted by Jayne Booth who has conducted her own research for a master’s degree and is currently a doctoral research student. The course is accessible for anyone with an interest in the growing area.

Carried our via Zoom
Presented by:
Jayne Booth
6 sessions, 4 hours each session.
CPD Event – Friday 10am-2pm.
4th April, 11th April, 25th April, 2nd May, 9th May, 16th May.