What’s included in our Level 2 Counselling Skills course.

Your lessons will be carried out over zoom, with 2 teachers, enabling lessons to be interactive with group discussions and skills practice. Whilst gaining an in-depth knowledge of how and when to use Counselling skills including use of Supervision and the BACP Framework, you will also explore different counselling theories including; Person centred, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Art Therapy, Psychoanalysis and Transactional Analysis.

Why choose us?

You will have ongoing support throughout your counselling journey. From Level 2 to retirement. Through training, placements, supervision, career coaching, finding your niche, job searches and private practice.

Awarding Body

The Counselling And Psychotherapy Central Awarding Body (CPCAB) is a specialised awarding body managed by professional practitioners, supervisors, trainers etc. It is the UK’s biggest provider of counselling qualifications in which there are 130 recognised training centres in the UK with 10,000 candidates registered annually.

Ethical Framework

The BACP Ethical Framework for Good Practice in the Counselling Professions (2018) is central to the philosophy, approach and operation of the programme and all programme training staff agree to work within it. The Ethical Framework can be downloaded from www.bacp.co.uk.

Course Requirements

Attending 4 hours a week, over a 23 week period, totaling 92 guided learning hours.

Complete written reflective journals, assignments, worksheets and small skills practice Pass as proficient in the externally marked final assessment.

Entry Requirements

18 years or over,

Able to cope with course content, (Support available) Ability to translate intra-personal experience into language.

Be motivated towards developing as a helper.

Emotional stability

Identify reasons for training beyond just personal development.

Awareness of difference and diversity